Antenne Bayern Gruppe

The Antenne Bayern Group (proper spelling antenne bayern group) is a group of companies in the private broadcasting sector based in Ismaning near Munich. With Antenne Bayern, it operates the private radio station with the widest reach in Germany. In addition to local stations such as Antenne NRW, other offshoots such as Rock Antenne and Oldie Antenne also belong to the broadcasting group. The Antenne Bayern Group also operates a charitable foundation (Antenne Bayern hilft) and produces podcasts, for example in the true crime and comedy sector.
Note on the details of the owners:
For technical system reasons, shares of less than one per cent cannot be shown. However, due to their participation in several media companies, small shares are also significant. The following persons hold small shares in the Antenne Bayern Group, which are therefore stated as 0%: Thomas Schaub (0.05%), the Friedmann family (0.046%) and the SPD (0.02%).
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited partnership with a GmbH as the personally liable general partner (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, in short: GmbH & Co. KG)
Individual Owner
The Oschmann Family
The Oschmann family, consisting of Gunther Oschmann and his children Constanze and Michael Oschmann, are the owners of the Müller media group. Gunther Oschmann now only owns one per cent of the company, with his children running the operational business. Müller GmbH & Co. KG has shares in several dozen media offerings, primarily in the television and radio sector, but also in publishing and online.
Ellinor Scherer
Ellinor Scherer (née Holland) is the owner (50%) of Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH, which holds several shares in Antenne Bayern GmbH & Co. Her husband Andreas Scherer is part of the management of Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH. The Mediengruppe Pressedruck, to which Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH belongs, also owns the Mediengruppe Mainpost and the Südkurier-Medienhaus. The media company not only has interests in the print sector, but also in radio, television and online. Scherer is the sister of Alexandra Holland.
Alexandra Holland
Alexandra Holland is the owner of Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH (50%), which holds several shares in Antenne Bayern GmbH & Co. KG. She is also part of the management of her company and publisher of the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung. The Mediengruppe Pressedruck, to which Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH belongs, also owns the Mediengruppe Mainpost and the Südkurier-Medienhaus. The media company not only has interests in print, but also in radio, television and online sectors. Holland is the sister of Ellinor Scherer.
Torsten Götz
Torsten Götz is the sole owner of IMCOM Immobilien und Medien GmbH und Co. KG, which holds several shares in Antenne Bayern GmbH & Co. KG. Götz is also deputy chairman of the Antenne Bayern hilft foundation and a member of the board of the Association of Bavarian Broadcasters (VBRA).
KKR is a major shareholder (35.6%) of Axel Springer SE, which has a stake in Antenne Bayern GmbH. KKR is an American investment company that holds interests in a range of business sectors. In addition to the media sector, these include fintech companies, publishers, real estate companies, medical and other healthcare companies, and energy companies. KKR is one of the largest investors in fossil fuels.
The CPPIB (Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board) is a pension fund that manages and invests the pension contributions of Canadian contributors. In Europe, CPP invests around 96 billion Canadian dollars, primarily in the areas of real estate, infrastructure, public shares, real estate funds and direct investments. CPPIB is a shareholder in the holding company Traviata, which owns 48.5% of Axel Springer SE. Through Axel Springer SE, CPPIB therefore has a stake in Antenne Bayern GmbH & Co. KG.
Minor Shareholders
The remaining shares are not reported separately, as they are held by more than a dozen small shareholders, each of whom owns less than two per cent of Antenne Bayern GmbH und Co. KG.
Other Radio Outlets
Antenne NRW (MD);
Rock Antenne (1.4%);
Rock Antenne Österreich (MD);
Rock Antenne Hamburg (0.2%);
Oldie Antenne (MD);
NRW1 (via NRW Audio GmbH & Co. KG) (MD);
Radio Galaxy (via Digitale Rundfunk Bayern GmbH & Co. KG) (0.2%)
Other Online Outlets (0.1%); (MD); (MD); (MD); (MD); (MD); (MD)
Media Business
Radio broadcasting
ANTENNE NRW GmbH & Co. KG (100%)
NRW Audio GmbH & Co. KG (34.5%)
Laut AG (26%)
Digitale Rundfunk Bayern GmbH & Co. KG (10.5%)
Radioplayer Deutschland GmbH (5%)
Radio broadcastingio
ROCK ANTENNE GmbH & Co. KG (81.5%)
Audio and radio advertising
SpotCom GmbH & Co. KG (100%)
Education and training
Marketing and market research
RMS Radio Marketing Service GmbH & Co. KG (5%)
Foundation work
Antenne Bayern hilft Foundation (100%)
Corint GmbH (5.64%)
Rock Antenne GmbH (Vienna) (100%)
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Antenne Bayern GmbH & Co KG was founded in 1988 by several private radio and media companies. The limited partners have remained unchanged since 1988.
ca. 200
Münchener Strasse 101 c
85737 Ismaning
Telefon: +49 89 99 277-0
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
CEO. Felix Kovac has been Managing Director of the Antenne Bayern Group since 2019. Between 2004 and 2019, Kovac was Managing Director of RT1 Media Group, a subsidiary of Mediengruppe Pressedruck.
Since 2005, Kovac has been Chairman of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Privater Rundfunk (APR), an association representing the interests of private broadcasters. He has also been Chairman of the Association of Bavarian Broadcasters (VBRA) since 2008.
Procurator of the Antenne Bayern Group since 2013.
Supervisory Board
Due to its legal form (GmbH & Co. KG), Antenne Bayern GmbH & Co. KG is not obliged to set up a supervisory board. The company states that, due to its size, ‘this is not necessary in practice’. The shareholders' meeting serves as the central body for voting and decision-making.
Further Information
Meta Data
The percentage of the total radio audience is taken from the agma media analysis I/2024 and refers to the nationwide daily reach in the population aged 14 and over.
Due to its shareholder structure, ANTENNE BAYERN GmbH & Co. KG is only subject to limited disclosure requirements, so that no annual financial statements are published (Section 264a of the German Commercial Code (HGB)). Upon request, the company refuses to disclose financial data and the shareholder agreement.
The shares held by the Mohn family are composed of the shares held by Elisabeth Mohn and those held by the rest of the family. Elisabeth Mohn's shares in Antenne Bayern amount to 9.45%. However, Mohn only holds 0.016% of these directly. The 9.44% share held by the Bertelsmann Foundation is also attributed to Mohn, as she has extensive powers and control within the foundation as a benefactor. For example, she has the right to appoint individuals to the board of directors alone.